Organisation of seminars and conferences

Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah Cultural Season

A weekly lecture series – now in its 26th season – from September to May, featuring a concentration of international scholars specializing in the fields of pre-Islamic and Islamic civilization, it’s arts and architecture, archaeology, thought, literature and history.

Modern Architecture Kuwait (MAK): Essays, and Arguments & Interviews on Modern Architecture Kuwait

The second volume of MAK was launched at ACC, with a 3-day conference developed to expand the knowledge regarding the significance and function of several buildings in Kuwait, along with the role of the individual and corporate entities involved. (8-10 December 2017)

Buildings and Building Culture in Kuwait

Conference was based on the Modern Architecture Kuwait: 1949 – 1989 (MAK) exhibition opening, discussion the act of building and re-building as part of a post-oil communal behaviour. (20 March 2016)

History of Kuwait

Conference on the occasion of the celebration of Kuwait’s Liberation and National Day and to inaugurate the Arabic version of the book Edge of War. The aim was to investigate the study of Kuwait’s history from its beginning. (9 February 2016)

9th Global Art Forum, “Download Update?”

Art Dubai’s conference at DAI took on the theme of technology and the impact on the world of art, culture and beyond. (14 -15 March 2015)

Splendors of the Ancient East

Exhibition conference focused on art from the ancient east with speakers draw from around the world. (1-3 April 2013)

Kuwait and its Historic Identity

A conference held in Cambridge, England in 1995 and Frankfurt, Germany in 1996, in which papers were presented by a panel of international scholars on the topic of early Kuwaiti history. It featured new discoveries of sources from European archives, which were previously unknown, including the earliest Arabic source describing Kuwait in the year 1709 as an already thriving town. These papers have since been published in a book edited by Dr. Ben Slot. (1996)

Archaeological Excavations at Bahnasa

Seminar in Kuwait, discussing the results of the archaeological excavations at Bahnasa, Egypt. 1986